Outbound di Jogja

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Senin, 30 September 2013

Financial Risk Management

Financial Risk Management

Pelatihan financial risk management ini, didesain guna menjembatani business atau finance professional untuk memahami teknik pengelolaan risiko financial mulai dari mengidentifikasikan hingga mengelolanya.
Kerugian dari kegagalan mengantisipasi resiko financial dapat menyebabkan perusahaan mengalami kerugian bahkan kebangkrutan. Oleh karenanya pendekatan pengelolaan risiko pada saat ini berkembang secara pesat, baik pendekatan kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Bagi entitas business atau finance professional, pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan risiko financial ini menjadi sangat dibutuhkan.
Dalam pelatihan ini akan dibahas mengenai : factor penyebab resiko financial dan bagimana mengelola resiko financial, mengdentifikasikan dan mengevaluasi resiko financial apa saja yang dihadapi perusahaan, mitigating resiko financial, serta mengukur dan mengelola resiko yang berkaitan dengan global financial risk.

Outline :
1. What is Financial Risk Management?
       Understand the financial risk management process
       How to identify key factors that affect interest rates, exchange rates, and commodity prices
       The impact of history on financial markets
2. Identifying Major Financial Risks
       Evaluate the various financial risks that affect most organizations
       How key market risks arise, such as interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, and commodity price risk
       The impact of related risks such as credit risk, operational risk, and systemic risk
3. Interest Rate Risk
       Identify opportunities to reduce interest rate exposure
       Evaluate ways to manage interest rate risk with forward rate agreements, futures, and swaps
       Assess the use of interest rate options
4. Foreign Exchange Risk
       Assess ways to reduce foreign exchange exposure through rearranging business processes
       Compare foreign exchange hedging strategies
       Evaluate the risks associated with specific derivatives products and strategies
5. Liquidity Risk
       Identify the major sources of liquidity risk
       Identify common methods for managing liquidity risk
6. Credit Risk
       Identify the major sources of credit and counterparty risk
       Identify common methods for managing credit risk
       Understand the basic types of credit derivatives
7. Commodity Risk
       Aspects of commodity-related risks
       Evaluate basic forward and futures strategies for managing commodity risk
       Identify additional strategies for managing commodity price risk
8. Risk Management Framework: Policy and Hedging
       Comment on the importance of financial risk management policy
       Develop an organizational profile to support risk management policy
       Evaluate opportunities to develop or refine a risk management policy
9. Measuring Risk
       Differentiate between measures of exposure and measures of risk
       Consider the strengths and weaknesses of risk measurement methodologies
       Identify alternative strategies for estimating risks
10.Global Initiatives in Financial Risk Management
       Understand the challenges that exist in financial risk management
       Identify initiatives for reducing risk in key areas such as settlements, trading, and
       Appreciate the significance of accounting and regulatory initiatives
       Evaluate how changes in capital adequacy can reduce systemic risk

Peserta :
Pelatihan ini sangat tepat untuk diikuti oleh Risk Managers,  Controller, Finance Manager dan Operation Managers lainnya bahkan oleh
Professional Staff.

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