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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Horizontal Well for Oil and Gas Reservoir

Horizontal Well for Oil and Gas Reservoir

Description :
Recent advances in drilling and completion have resulted in a rapid increase in the number of horizontal wells drilled each year around the world. A horizontal well, to some extent, is different from a vertical well because it requires and interdisciplinary interaction between various professionals, such as geologist, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, production engineers, and completion engineers.

This training is to summarize the state of the art of horizontal well technology. It included the example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solutions, it also listed an overview of horizontal well technology and is general introduction to the technology from reservoir, drilling and completion stand point, it will deals also with the pressure drop through a horizontal well and how important it is in the estimation of horizontal performance.

Objectives :
We Will Learn

1.      An overview of horizontal well technology and is a general introduction to the technology from reservoir, drilling, and completion standpoint
2.      The reservoir engineering concepts and their application
3.      Steady state solution and their applications. It also includes discussions on formation damage problems in horizontal wells
4.      The influence of well eccentricity on productivity of a horizontal well.
5.      Well eccentricity represents a vertical distance between the horizontal wells location and the center of the pay zone
6.      Comparison horizontal and fractured vertical wells. The chapter also includes reasons for stimulating horizontal wells and calculation of productivities for fractured horizontal wells.
7.      Transient well testing. In general, transient well testing is a highly mathematical subject. At same time, it is one of the most important and useful subjects to understand the well behavior in a given reservoir.
8.      Pseudo-steady state solutions for horizontal wells.
9.      Examines water and gas coning in horizontal wells. It outlines many of the available solutions for calculating water and gas coning behavior in horizontal wells.
10.   Looks at the application of horizontal wells in gas reservoirs. The horizontal wells are highly suitable for low permeability as well as high permeability gas reservoirs.
11.   Deals with the pressure drop trough a horizontal well and how important it is in the estimation of horizontal well performance.

Outline :
1. Overview Of Horizontal Well Technology
- Introduction
- Limitations of Horizontal Wells
- Horizontal Well Applications
- Drilling Techniques
- Horizontal Well Lengths Based Upon Drilling Techniques and Drainage
- Area Limitations
- Completion Techniques

2. Reservoir Engineering Concepts
- Introduction
- Skin Factor
- Skin Damage for Horizontal Wells
- Effective Wellbore Radius
- Productivity Index, J
- Flow Regimes
- Influence of Area Anisotropy

3. Steady - State Solutions
- Introduction
- Steady-State Productivity of Horizontal Wells
- Effective Wellbore Radius of a Horizontal Well
- Productivity of Slant Wells
- Comparison of Slant Well and Horizontal Well Productivities
- Formation Damage in Horizontal Wells
- Field Histories

4. Influence Of Well Eccentricity
- Introduction
- Influence of Well Eccentricity
- Drilling Several Wells
- Horizontal Wells at Different Elevation

5. Comparison Of Horizontal And Fractured Vertical Wells
- Introduction
- Vertical Well Stimulation
- Types of Fractures
- Comparison of Horizontal Wells and Finite Conductivity Fractures
- Horizontal Wells in Fractured Reservoir
- Fractured Horizontal Wells

6. Transient well Testing
- Introduction
- Mathematical Solutions and Their Practical Implications
- Generalized Flow Regimes
- Pressure Response
- Detailed Well Testing Flow Regimes
- Pressure Derivatives
- Wellbore Storage Effects
- Practical Considerations

7. Pseudo - Steady State Flow
- Introduction
- Shape Factors of Horizontal Wells
- Horizontal Well Pseudo-Steady State Productivity Calculations
- Inflow Performance of Partially Open Horizontal Wells
- Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) for Horizontal Wells in Solution
- Gas-Drive Reservoirs
- Predicting Horizontal Well Performance in Solution Gas-Drive Reservoirs

8. Water And Gas Coning In And Horizontal Wells
- Introduction
- Critical Rate Definition
- Critical Rate By Production Testing
- Water and Gas Conning in Horizontal Wells
- Horizontal Well Breakthrough Time in a Bottom
- Water Drive Reservoir
- Breakthrough Time for a Horizontal Well in a Reservoir with Gas Cap or Bottom Water
- Cone Breakthrough Time for Horizontal Wells in Reservoir With Both Gas Cap and Bottom Water
- Critical Rate for Horizontal Wells in Edge-Water Drive Reservoir
- Practical Considerations
- Field Histories

9. Horizontal Wells In Gas Reservoirs
- Introduction
- Gas Reserve Estimation
- Gas Flow Through Porous Media
- Horizontal Well Application
- Production Type Curves
- Cases Histories

10. Pressure Drop Through A horizontal Well
- Introduction
- Influence of High Pressure Drops
- Remedies to Minimize High Wellbore Pressure Drops
- Pressure Drop Through a Horizontal Well
- Comment on Fully Developed Friction Factors
- Pressure Drop in Curved Wellbore Section
- Drilled Wellbore Sizes and Liner Sizes

Who should attend :
1.      Drilling, Completion, Production, Reservoir, Operation and Research Engineers
2.      Managers in drilling, completion, production, and exploration
3.      And others involved in various phases horizontal wells or wanting to gain an up-to-date understanding of this continually evolving technology

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