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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Production Optimalization Using Nodal Analysis

Production Optimalization Using Nodal Analysis

Description :
The chief function of a system-wide analysis is to increase well rates. It identifies bottlenecks and serves as a framework for the design of efficient field wide flow systems, including wells, artificial lift, gathering lines and manifolds. Together with reservoir simulation and analytical tools, Nodal analysis is used in planning new field development. Many factors are used to maximize production from discovery wells to those ready to be abandoned, including: establishing a relationship between flow rate and pressure drop within each component in the system; using gradient correlations and selection procedures; and deciding when to use artificial lift to maintain a required production rate.
This training is designed to develop participants skill on how-to optimize the completion design to suit the reservoir deliverability, identify restrictions or limits present in the production system and identify any means of improving production efficiency in production optimization of oil and gas wells using Nodal systems analysis and covers the use of multiphase flow correlations to determine flow rates and pressure traverses in flowing oil wells, gas-condensate wells, gathering systems, and pipelines.

Objectives :
We Will Learn How to :
- Apply NODAL analysis the view of the total producing system as a whole
- Avoid improper design and mismatched components, adversely effects the performance of the entire system
- Perform a system-wide analysis in order to increase well rates
- Use NODAL analysis for planning new field development
- Predict the effect of stimulation, tubing changes, artificial lift and modifications, or continued depletion
- Use flowing pressure gradient curves to determine pressure distribution in producing wells

Outline :
1. General Overview of Nodal Analysis
-Supply/Demand Analogies
-Natural Balance and Stable/Unstable Equilibrium Concepts
-Diminishing Returns
-Independent/Dependent Subsystems

2. Production System Analysis
-Nodal System Analysis Models
-Nodal System Analysis Applications

3. Reservoir Performance
-Equations and Inflow Performance Relationship
-Real-Time Performance of Oil Wells
-Performance Prediction of Oil Wells
-Real-Time Performance of Gas Wells
-Performance Prediction of Gas Wells
-Effect of Water Production

4. Pressure Drop of Fluid Flow in Pipes
-General Equations and Concepts
-Fluid Properties: Density, Compressibility Factor and more
-Well-Flow Correlations
-Pipeline Flow Correlations
-Chokes and Valves Pressure Drop
-Effect of Velocity

5. Total System Analysis
-Tubing Design
-Flow-line Size
-Effect of Stimulation
-Chokes and Valves
-Effect of Completion

6. Artificial Lift Method
-Gas Lift Submersible Pump

7. Sucker Rod Pump

8. Hydraulic Pump

9. Nodal Analysis in Specific Field Application
-Pressure Drop Calculation in Steam Line
-Pressure Calculation in Injection Wells
-Pressure Calculation in Production Wells
-Total Analysis Approach

Who should attend :
- Production, Operations, Facilities and Petroleum Engineers
- Surface Equipment Technicians, Technical or Reservoir Engineers
- Supervisory Personnel who interact with field facility engineers/operators
- Production Managers and Field Production Supervisors
- Engineers and other personnel involved with the daily operation and management of producing oil and gas wells

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