Outbound di Jogja

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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Strategic Business Planning

Strategic Business Planning

Improve your knowledge of strategic planning to understand what senior management is thinking and why—and increase your value to your organization!
Here’s an overview of strategic planning for those not directly involved in the planning process, but who want to understand the impact of strategy on their work and their organization’s success. Gain a perspective and vocabulary for strategic planning to help you actively and constructively support your firm’s strategic direction.

Outline :
1.            What Is Strategic Planning?
2.            Why Organizations Create Strategy
3.            What strategy and strategic planning really mean
4.            How Organizations Develop Strategy Processes for Creating Strategy
5.            The Strategic Planning Process in Action
6.            How strategy creates value for customers and stakeholders
7.            Three Ds of Strategy—Discussions, Decisions and Developments
8.            Implementing and Reviewing Strategy
9.            Alternative Approaches to Create Strategy
10.          Implementing strategy: how strategy through the organization

Peserta :
Senior Manager, General Manager, HR Manager, Personnel Manager, HRD Manager, Training Manager/Kabag Diklat, dan Senior Officer HRD/Diklat. Kami juga memberi kesempatan kepada peminat atau pemerhati masalah SDM lainnya

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